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    Denise Tucker 10th and 12th grade counselor: 972.502.1613

    Welcome to the Counselor's Corner

    The P-TECH counseling team believes that all students have the right to an environment that fosters exploration, curiosity, high expectations and self-betterment. The counseling program aims to provide services to assist all students in developing healthy social, academic and personal habits. The school counselors analyze school-specific needs and utilize data in designing, implementing and evaluating programs to reach all students, often in collaboration with the school and family community.



    Monthly Themes from P-TECH Counselors 


    *Academic Success conferences are ongoing based on students' academic standing.


    • August - Orientation to Counseling 
    • September - Minute Meetings  
      • 1:1 meetings with students; grade specific - 9th and 12th
      • Education Go Get it Week/College Orientations
      • Transcript Overview to include graduation requirements
    • October - Relationship Skills
      • Bullying Prevention
      • Character Counts 
    • November - Minute Meetings 
      • 1:1 meetings with students; grade specific - 10th and 11th
      • Small Group Counseling - Emphasis Time Management & Organization 
      • Character Counts continued
    • December - Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
      • Suicide Awareness/ Social Emotional Guidance Lessons (SEL)
    • January - Internet Safety
      • Needs Assessment Survey (Parents, students and Teachers)
      • Transcript Overview:  Sophomores 1st unofficial ranking
    • February - Teen Dating Violence
      • Kindness Week (Feb 13-Feb 19)
      • No One Eats Alone Day (Feb. 16)
    • March - Academic Signing Day! 
      • College Acceptance Celebration
      • Small Group: Test Anxiety & Study Skills

    Responsive services 

    Small Group Counseling will start in the month of November. Mrs. Tucker and Mr. Perkins will be conducting small group counseling sessions for students who are interested in Academic Skills- Time Management, Organization, and Study Skills.



    Individual Counseling Sessions- Students can be referred for individual counseling sessions through self, teacher or parent referral.





    Raise Me -   Micro grants that you can earn during high school or community college and monies earned will go toward tuition at a four-year college or university. 

    Fast Web, Scholarships.com, and Going Merry - Free search engines which give students the ability to search scholarships on a national level based on a set criteria listed on their profile.  Websites: , ,

    Scholly - A paid search engine giving students the ability to match scholarships based on their unique background and accomplishments (similar to the free search engines) 

    Unigo -   is an online business matching students with colleges, scholarships, internships, student loans, majors and careers. 

    Scholarshot - - This is a scholarship program that if the student is accepted; they have an opportunity to work with a mentor to assist with academic issues while in college. Students have access up to $6,000 per year while working through their undergraduate program.

    Mental Health Service Supports

    ÎçÒ¹AV Mental Health Service page:  Various mental Health Service supports for parents and students: https://www.dallasisd.org/mentalhealt 

    Hotline Phone Numbers: There are a host of phone numbers and resources available to help support students /Page/73307 .



    Important Phone Numbers

    National Suicide Hotline

    1-800-273-8255 (24 hours)

    Boys Town Crisis Line

    1-800-448-3000 (24 hours)

    Crisis Helpline

    1-800-233-4357 or text "Go" to 741-741

    Disaster Distress Hotline

    1-800-985-5990 (24 hours)

    GLBT Hotline


    Cutting/Self Injury


    Eating Disorder


    Human Trafficking


    National Child Abuse Hotline


    TX Child Abuse
